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man sits on cushioned boat stool gripping onto fishing rod with left hand
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Tips and Tricks to Save the Summer Slow Down

The dead of summer can be a tough time of year to catch fish consistently. Although they are set up in their traditional haunts, there are times that they seem to disappear or quite biting altogether. Fish at this time of year tend to fill up quickly when they feed. The young of the year are big enough to provide a meal and there are plenty of them. The predator prey relationship is in full swing – there are hungry predators heavily feeding trying to put on weight to get them through the rigors of next winter and the consequent spawn. There are also literally tons of prey fish which makes for easy pickings and full bellies for predators. How does this affect us as we attempt to spend a full day on the water? It’s quite simple … these fish take very little time to feed and spend the rest of their time lounging and dodging larger predators. This is best done in the depths, the weeds, or on wide open flats. The reality of the situation is that you are trying to catch fish throughout an entire day while they are only actively feeding during short very intense periods. Open up your bag of tricks and get creative. Fish can still be caught. Here are some tips and tricks to get you through the summer.

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