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Fishing Tips and Facts

Casting Distance
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Casting Distance

In this day and age of everything needing to be faster and farther it is not surprising that fly casting has followed suit. Fly rods and lines these days are designed to throw flies 70,80,90 feet and farther with very little effort. While casts of these lengths may impress the crowds at sports show they are not...

It’s in the Bag
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It’s in the Bag

When it comes to angling much is made about rods, reels, line and lures. The same can be said about waders, protective clothing and headgear. But one of the most over-looked, but essential, pieces of equipment is the humble fishing bag.

Tying Flies in Tandem
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Tying Flies in Tandem

There are many applications for fishing two flies at once. There are also a few ways to go about tying them on. Like most things, there's no single or correct way to do it, but there are ways that...

Ice Fishing with Flies
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Ice Fishing with Flies

It is one of the least utilized, but also one of the more effective hard water presentations, especially for trout.  I often think about how many fish I have caught on flies throughout the summer, and it's a lot, so by this logic, flies should still be effective when the water turns cold and the surface of a lake turns to ice.  And the logic is sound.  For many winters now, I have caught loads of fish using...

Fishing Trip Preparation
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Fishing Trip Preparation

The old saying “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” is especially true in fishing trips. Since COVID there has been an influx of new anglers to the sport and also a renewed eagerness to...

purple sunset by cliffside water
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A fish feeding on the surface will have two distinct looks. The first is when it eats a bug sitting on top of the water surface. It will stick only its snout out of the water. You can often see a bug float into its range and anticipate the eat. 

woman sitting in boat holds a walleye close to her face with both hands
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Mono or Braid for Walleye

When it comes to fishing line and chasing walleye in our lakes, I choose both braid and mono.

wide shot of stream with man on the right handside standing in water fishing
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Rod Tip Positioning

In my capacity as a fly school instructor the one thing I find myself repeating the most to the students is rod tip positioning when fishing dry flies upstream.

man standing in the water with dog in river stream
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Fishing the Seam

Successful flyfishing is all about delusion, confusion and deception.

Fooling the fish is the key element to success.

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Tip: Pre-scouting river conditions

Alberta is littered with quality, accessible trout streams, but a lot of travel is involved in exploration. Your buddies and an online search can’t always prepare you for current river conditions, how do you know what to expect? 

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