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Articles by Fred Noddin

Articles by Fred Noddin

Ice Fishing with Flies
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Ice Fishing with Flies

It is one of the least utilized, but also one of the more effective hard water presentations, especially for trout.  I often think about how many fish I have caught on flies throughout the summer, and it's a lot, so by this logic, flies should still be effective when the water turns cold and the surface of a lake turns to ice.  And the logic is sound.  For many winters now, I have caught loads of fish using...

Last Chance Trout
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Last Chance Trout

It's late in the season and my family and I are at our favourite trout pond, looking to squeeze out one more day of open water fishing before the water turns solid.  The weather is cooperating and I would even go so far as to say that it is pleasant.  It is a good day for fishing.
Gone though, are the days of...

woman sitting in boat holds a walleye close to her face with both hands
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Mono or Braid for Walleye

When it comes to fishing line and chasing walleye in our lakes, I choose both braid and mono.

Walleye held by hand halfway above water
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Summer Walleye

It's a perfect summer day.  There's a light breeze, its overcast with some sunny breaks, and the temperature is comfortable.  I have lots of choices available to me.  There is great river fishing, good trout fishing, good pike fishing, and good walleye fishing.  I decide I'm going walleye fishing.

What Fishing Means to Me
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What Fishing Means to Me

Call it gratitude.  Fishing has provided me countless memories, moments that make me smile, that are meaningful, and have been the backbone for many amazing connections to wonderful people...

The Perch and Pike bug
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The Perch and Pike bug

Happily I am driving north, more than two hours’ worth, smiling all the way. I’ve caught the perch bug, and I’m happier than stink about it...
Is it time to go electric?
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Is it time to go electric?

The short answer, in my opinion, is yes.  There are advantages to a gas auger, especially for people that have a habit of drilling many, many holes, especially if these people are drilling many, many holes, through thick ice, using a big 10 inch flight...

Praise the Local Trout Scene
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Praise the Local Trout Scene

I do a mental checklist. The JawJacker rods are ready. The lines are refreshed. The hooks are tied and sharpened, and the batteries for the auger are charged. I pack the rest of the gear into the truck ...

Floating jig heads are the way to go to reduce deeply swallowed baits
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Getting set up for the North Saskatchewan River

Fishing the river is a lot of fun.  There are lots of places to fish, plus there are lots of different kinds of fish to catch.  All these fish can be caught with the same gear and the same baits ...

An outward pointing anal fin means this goldeye is a male
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In Town Fishing Adventures

I grab a pack of worms and a tub of frozen minnows.  “That’s everything,” I say to myself, and yell out, “I’m heading to the minivan,” letting our crew of little people know that it is time to jump in and buckle up.

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