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Posts tagged 'Ice Fishing'

Ice Fishing with Flies
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Ice Fishing with Flies

It is one of the least utilized, but also one of the more effective hard water presentations, especially for trout.  I often think about how many fish I have caught on flies throughout the summer, and it's a lot, so by this logic, flies should still be effective when the water turns cold and the surface of a lake turns to ice.  And the logic is sound.  For many winters now, I have caught loads of fish using...

Is it time to go electric?
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Is it time to go electric?

The short answer, in my opinion, is yes.  There are advantages to a gas auger, especially for people that have a habit of drilling many, many holes, especially if these people are drilling many, many holes, through thick ice, using a big 10 inch flight...

Praise the Local Trout Scene
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Praise the Local Trout Scene

I do a mental checklist. The JawJacker rods are ready. The lines are refreshed. The hooks are tied and sharpened, and the batteries for the auger are charged. I pack the rest of the gear into the truck ...

Going Light for Spooky Fish
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Going Light for Spooky Fish

Sometimes conditions mean that fish are on high alert and very spooky.  Ultra-clear water, or super-shallow fish can manifest itself into very hard to catch fish.  When presented with trying conditions, the best approach is to minimize noise, movement, and go light.

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First Fish of the Year Pothole Rainbows and Browns

Come ice out, I look forward to the chance to cast a line and battle a scrappy rainbow or brown. And for the most part, these early season fish are willing biters.

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The Electric Advantage

own an Ion Electric Auger.  I’ve had it for six years as best I can figure, and I can say that...

Quality rainbows are a regular occurrence.
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Sunny Day Rainbows

Dragging the sled across the ice I approach my favourite...

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Windy Day Pike

The messages are intoxicating. "Twenty pike for the afternoon, lots are keeper sized,"...

The JawJacker Catches Fish
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The JawJacker Catches Fish

I owe a lot of my catches in the last half dozen years to the JawJacker, a device that is designed to hold an ice fishing rod under tension, so when tripped by a fish bite...

Go fishing in April and you are bound to be rewarded.
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April: The Last Ice Hurrah for Ice

It’s April, and in many ways, it’s a period of transition. For hard water anglers, though, April is the month to be ...

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