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Posts tagged 'Alberta'

Night Fishing for Trophy Trout
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Night Fishing for Trophy Trout

There is mystique about the night. The silence. I cannot help to wonder what monsters stir, not to be seen in the light of day. Brown trout being nocturnal, it only makes sense. But to the advantage of all trout, night is when aerial predators are held mostly at bay. 

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Tip: Pre-scouting river conditions

Alberta is littered with quality, accessible trout streams, but a lot of travel is involved in exploration. Your buddies and an online search can’t always prepare you for current river conditions, how do you know what to expect? 

clear blue river with seagulls and ducks on river row boat and tree line in the distance
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Spring on the River

Spring weather lifts the burden of old man winter off southern Alberta and coaxes fly fishers from their vices onto open rivers. As some of the only open water around, early migrants bring the river to life. Franklin’s gulls break the silence of winter, ducks are flashing their breeding plumage, and soon swallows will fill the sky in a frenzy. Itching to just get back on the river, expectations are tempered with shaking the dust off your cast and soaking some rays in mind. Low water temperatures hold fish from being active early, but quality trout still show themselves.

Unlocking New Waters: Building Confidence with Attractor Patterns for Successful Fly Fishing
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Unlocking New Waters: Building Confidence with Attractor Patterns for Successful Fly Fishing

When fishing new water, particularly remote stretches, I like to begin with any one of a number of popular searching or attractor patterns.

Finding and Fishing New Trout Streams
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Finding and Fishing New Trout Streams

Most of us are creatures of habit, and our tendency to fall back on the tried and trusted extends to our fishing habits as much as it does the rest of our lives. Do you find yourself fishing the same streams and the same reaches of those streams year after year?...

October Fly Fishing
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October Fly Fishing

The end of October signals the end of the season for much of the stream fishing here in Alberta. Like most places there are a few places ...

Summer Time Blues
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Summer Time Blues

While the old song says "there aint no cure for the summer time blues", hopefully I can give you a few tips to help you cure the Summer time fly fishing blues. Summer is on the way and if our Canadian spring this year is any indication it is going to be a hot one. 

Alberta walleye take up to five years to achieve a catchable size
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Low and Slow

Western Canadian fisheries biologists, when confronting the problem of declining walleye populations, must come to terms with our most popular game fish.

Alberta League - ACFFL Event 4
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Alberta League - ACFFL Event 4

The water was clearer then I have ever seen it in the 20 years I’ve been fishing at Dolberg. The fish were large and beautiful and the weather was looking spectacular.

Alberta League - ACFFL Event 3
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Alberta League - ACFFL Event 3

Event 3 was nothing short of a mentally exhausting day. The fishing was extraordinary in numbers and tested everyone’s ability to be efficient with everything.

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