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Posts tagged 'Brown Trout'

clear blue river with seagulls and ducks on river row boat and tree line in the distance
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Spring on the River

Spring weather lifts the burden of old man winter off southern Alberta and coaxes fly fishers from their vices onto open rivers. As some of the only open water around, early migrants bring the river to life. Franklin’s gulls break the silence of winter, ducks are flashing their breeding plumage, and soon swallows will fill the sky in a frenzy. Itching to just get back on the river, expectations are tempered with shaking the dust off your cast and soaking some rays in mind. Low water temperatures hold fish from being active early, but quality trout still show themselves.

Finding and Fishing New Trout Streams
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Finding and Fishing New Trout Streams

Most of us are creatures of habit, and our tendency to fall back on the tried and trusted extends to our fishing habits as much as it does the rest of our lives. Do you find yourself fishing the same streams and the same reaches of those streams year after year?...

October Fly Fishing
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October Fly Fishing

The end of October signals the end of the season for much of the stream fishing here in Alberta. Like most places there are a few places ...

Joes Hopper dry fly
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Best of Both Worlds-Fly fishing the Hopper-Dropper

One sublime sunny afternoon a few years back I was fishing a classic northern Alberta grayling stream that tumbled over ...

The Jewel at First Ice
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The Jewel at First Ice

It's November and with each day the ice gets thicker and now the smallest of ponds and lakes are locked up with enough new ice, it is strong enough to hold a person. This is a golden time. And while there are several possibilities, we have our hearts set on trying to catch one of the prettiest trout that swims, and that is the brook trout.

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Five Fine Places to Find Trout

Even our most prolific and populous trout streams (and that applies to Northern Boreal grayling creeks too) can be cruel and...

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On the Road Again

A road trip destination is whatever you make it. Anywhere from an internationally renowned river like the...

The Italian Job
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The Italian Job

When it comes to destination fly fishing, where New Zealand, the Bahamas, Argentina and Belize suck most of the oxygen from the room, Italy ...

Cliff Dwellers Lodge provided comfortable accommodations
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Fly Fishing in the Desert

When I was given the chance in February to escape the Polar Vortex ...

Fooled this early morning trout tossing a minnow imitating plug in the shallows.
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The Observational Trout Fisherman

It was early morning, a misty fog clung to the surface of the lake ...

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