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Posts tagged 'Rainbow Trout'

Road Trip - Green River Utah
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Road Trip - Green River Utah

I had the opportunity this summer to cross another river off my fly fishing bucket list, the famous Green River below the Flaming Gorge reservoir near Dutch John Utah. The Flaming Gorge dam, located in the northeast corner of Utah, within casting distance of both Wyoming and Colorado, was built in the early 1960’s, creates a reservoir that ...

clear blue river with seagulls and ducks on river row boat and tree line in the distance
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Spring on the River

Spring weather lifts the burden of old man winter off southern Alberta and coaxes fly fishers from their vices onto open rivers. As some of the only open water around, early migrants bring the river to life. Franklin’s gulls break the silence of winter, ducks are flashing their breeding plumage, and soon swallows will fill the sky in a frenzy. Itching to just get back on the river, expectations are tempered with shaking the dust off your cast and soaking some rays in mind. Low water temperatures hold fish from being active early, but quality trout still show themselves.

Backcountry adventure and fishing on the Brazeau Lake Loop
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Backcountry adventure and fishing on the Brazeau Lake Loop

"You have to see this!" Both Leonie and my daughter Angela excitedly motion to us, their eyes shining with anticipation. Chris and I smile and follow them along the edge of a trail to a rocky lookout. We are at Nigel Pass and in that moment, I am exactly where I want to be. The best of the Canadian Rockies are on display...

Put and Take Is Great
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Put and Take Is Great

At point of European contact Alberta’s trout were pretty well confined to the cold rushing rivers of the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies or the deep lakes of the Northern Boreal where lake trout thrived. How times have changed.

Quality rainbows are a regular occurrence.
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Sunny Day Rainbows

Dragging the sled across the ice I approach my favourite...

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Five Fine Places to Find Trout

Even our most prolific and populous trout streams (and that applies to Northern Boreal grayling creeks too) can be cruel and...

Temperature and Trout
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Temperature and Trout

Trout are cold blooded creatures, which means that water temperature controls their body temperature. When temperature rise...

Backcountry Fishing
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Backcountry Fishing

There are a two main considerations when going backcountry, especially for several days at a time...

A hefty mint silver coho salmon that would make just about anybody’s day.
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Make Your Own Fishing Adventure

There’s something inspiring to step outside and stretch the boundaries of your fishing and outdoor experiences. 

Cliff Dwellers Lodge provided comfortable accommodations
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Fly Fishing in the Desert

When I was given the chance in February to escape the Polar Vortex ...

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