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Posts tagged 'Early Season'

clear blue river with seagulls and ducks on river row boat and tree line in the distance
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Spring on the River

Spring weather lifts the burden of old man winter off southern Alberta and coaxes fly fishers from their vices onto open rivers. As some of the only open water around, early migrants bring the river to life. Franklin’s gulls break the silence of winter, ducks are flashing their breeding plumage, and soon swallows will fill the sky in a frenzy. Itching to just get back on the river, expectations are tempered with shaking the dust off your cast and soaking some rays in mind. Low water temperatures hold fish from being active early, but quality trout still show themselves.

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Fishing tips for Early Season Flyrodding

Unlike the main event in June, July and August – where the best action happens when the sun sets below the streamside poplars – early season trout keep gentlemen’s hours.
Late to rise and early to bed.

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