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Posts tagged 'Spoons'

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The People’s Fish of Summer

One of the most popular sports fish near and far is the pike, and summer days are meant for chasing them. They are widely distributed ...

Post spawn pike are aggressive feeders
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Springtime in Alberta - Can Thrill You to the Bone

Just when you think it’s over, it ain’t over. And as they say about Alberta weather...

Backcountry Fishing
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Backcountry Fishing

There are a two main considerations when going backcountry, especially for several days at a time...

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Optimal Performance Boundaries

No matter the fishing lure you select, key to its effectiveness is ...

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The Bull Trout of the Athabasca

One of the most popular sports fish near and far is the pike, and summer days are ...

two men sitting in green boat during early spring catching fish with net
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Get Out Your Plugs and Spoons

I went fishing for rainbows twice this past week. Much to my delight, I’ve noticed a definite shift in trout activity. For the past few weeks fishing has been good, so long as I used a bead head fly under a strike indicator. The cold water largely responsible for keeping trout activity to a minimum, hence the need for a super slow finesse presentation. That’s changed. Recently I’ve been watching trout sharking, swirling and splashing about, sometimes with reckless abandon. Typically when trout are doing this, the water has warmed to their liking and they’ve taken to chasing minnows.

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