Fly Fishing for Pike - Essential Gears
Pike are an ideal but often overlooked fish for fly anglers. Early in the season they eagerly take big streamers, before going deeper in search of cold water as summer progresses.
Pike are an ideal but often overlooked fish for fly anglers. Early in the season they eagerly take big streamers, before going deeper in search of cold water as summer progresses.
In the pecking order of prairie fishes, the general consensus is that the walleye if our king of the waters.
Maybe more because of Old Walter’s eating qualities than his sporting abilities. Beauty contests are always subject to debate and controversy.
But it hard not to agree that pike are our most versatile fish...
One of the most popular sports fish near and far is the pike, and summer days are meant for chasing them. They are widely distributed ...
June is one excellent month if you're an angler. All the gamefish are going hard, feeding at every opportunity, crunching jigs, chasing spinners and slamming crankbaits.
Just when you think it’s over, it ain’t over. And as they say about Alberta weather...
One of the great dilemmas faced by ethical anglers is how to...
The messages are intoxicating. "Twenty pike for the afternoon, lots are keeper sized,"...
I owe a lot of my catches in the last half dozen years to the JawJacker, a device that is designed to hold an ice fishing rod under tension, so when tripped by a fish bite...
A friend and I have been on a quest the last few years to land Master Angler-qualifying pike in ...
There’s an old expression that goes "90 per cent of the fish inhabit 10 per cent of the water."