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Posts tagged 'Tips'

Fishing Trip Preparation
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Fishing Trip Preparation

The old saying “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” is especially true in fishing trips. Since COVID there has been an influx of new anglers to the sport and also a renewed eagerness to...

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Local Advice

One piece of advice I always give anglers heading to waters that they haven't fished before ...

Travelling Angler Tips
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Travelling Angler Tips

When it comes to the travelling angler, getting there sometimes is more than half the battle. Especially when

Tips For Fishing With Kids
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Tips For Fishing With Kids

Kids are the future of the sport of fishing so it's important to get them started ...

close up of Ongaro holding fish
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Stay on Fish

Stay on fish once you find them.  Once you have found a school of active fish stay on them.  Many a time I see anglers trolling a shoreline from end to end.  Each time they connect with a fish, they keep on trolling in the same direction until the pass is complete and then turn to go back and do it again.

standing man holds a fishing rod in his right hand and a medium size fish with his left
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Frequently Asked Questions with Claudio Ongaro

Several years ago I was approached to do a seminar by Dave Johnston of the Fishin’ Hole for the Fishin’ Hole Outdoor Show and Sale they were organizing. We bounced several topic ideas off of each other over lunch. We decided at that time that a good seminar topic would be one tackling (pun intended) the many questions that both myself and his staff are asked time and again. We then needed a list of frequently asked questions. Dave was gracious enough to approach his staff and request questions they most often receive from their customers – yes that’s you. Naturally, his staff responded with a series of very relevant angling questions. As I received the list of questions, I was amazed at how many of these same questions were the one’s I’ve been answering for years at trade shows in my role as a Shimano Pro Staff, after tournaments, or on the dock after a successful day on the water. As I was going through some notes for this column, I came across the list of questions Dave handed me. I thought you might like to hear what I have to say on these FAQ’s.

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Beginner Baitcasting Tips

Well, I’m sure we have all heard the horror stories of using baitcast reels. The birdsnests, tangles etc, make it hard to learn so many people just give up and lose a valuable fishing tool. These tips will hopefully ease the growing pains and help us all to use baitcast reels a little better. Once you have made a decision to purchase a baitcasting reel choosing the right line becomes very important

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