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A Clear Boat is a Happy Boat

Keeping decks clear prevents angling frustration
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A Clear Boat is a Happy Boat

When fly casting for pike and other apex predator game fish from a boat, the length of your line in many cases spells the secret for your success. A lengthy, free-flowing cast gives your fly the maximum amount of exposure to the fish. But nothing compromises your catch rate than a fly line that continually gets fouled up with impediments in the boat. Especially when attempting complex double-haul casts.

Keeping decks clear prevents angling frustration

Keeping decks clear prevents angling frustration

Before beginning your angling day, inspect the casting area assigned to you in the boat for hooks, hand-ups and other protruding objects. Stow all tackle boxes and lunch coolers away from the deck or casting platform surface. And always be aware of your foot placement so you don’t inadvertently step on your fly line while attempting to launch a 50-footer for a cruising bruiser. Also arrange the slack line in loose coils to prevent knots, tangles and blown casts. A little pre-planning goes a long way to reducing your frustration level and improving your success rate on the water. Believe it.

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