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Bottom Bounce Your Way to Success

man in life vest casting rod underneath the glaring son
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Bottom Bounce Your Way to Success
man in life vest casting rod underneath the glaring sonman in life vest casting rod underneath the glaring son

One of the keys to our success fishing for lakers at Davin was the use of a bottom bouncer. Arnold and I had good luck jigging the buzz bombs for these deeper water trout, but when it came to covering water and finding out where the fish were, the buzz bombs were simply a little slower than the bottom bouncer. What we did was grab a two and a half-ounce bottom bouncer, attach five feet of mono and tie it to a small, thin steel leader (there were still lots of pike around). On the end of the steel leader we attached a flutter spoon. The two styles of flutter spoons we used are made by Gibbs (Gypsy spoons and Coyote). The color didn't seem to matter as Arnold hammered fish all day long on the popular West Coast color, army truck. Me, on the other hand, caught a pile using a half green/ half glow color combo. All we had to do was drop the bouncers down until they hit bottom. From there we let out a rod sweep of line then trolled along bottom. This allowed us to cover water and it got us into lakers like you wouldn't believe.

I've used the bottom bouncer combo for lakers in other places with equal success. Pyramid Lake in Jasper is one of my favorites, but this technique can be applied just about anywhere lakers swim. Lakers have a taste for the bottom bouncer/ flutter spoon combo

man wearing life vest sitting in boat holding fishing rod facing cameraman wearing life vest sitting in boat holding fishing rod facing camera
man wearing life vest sitting in boat holds fish verticallyman wearing life vest sitting in boat holds fish vertically

Besides lakers, however, the bottom bouncer is a real winner at catching the always popular walleye. Use a bouncer with a spinner rig and attach a frozen minnow. If you're into catching pike, use a bottom bouncer and a floating plug and troll on the deep side of the first drops or around points. Both areas are pike producers and the plugs have a nasty habit of getting the pike to bite. Bottom bouncers are simple in design and function, but catch fish like magic. To learn more about these great fishing tools, drop by any Fishin' Hole location and talk with the staff. They'll give you good advice and get you on the right track.

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