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Posts tagged 'Grayling'

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Watch Your Back

One of the great pleasures of fly-fishing is watching your cast roll out in a ...

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My McLeod

The McLeod is my premier mountain whitefish stream. It is also a great grayling fishery, with the occasional ...

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Up a Muddy River

Getting to a productive angling position, especially when in a flowing water scenario, is an integral element to...

A well-stocked Fly Box
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A well-stocked Fly Box

Most fly fishers have a "go-to" fly. One trusty pattern that will catch a fish no matter the situation or conditions. Flies like an ...

grayling appeared out of nowhere
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Grayling of the Boreal

The fish were pretty scarce, even though my fishing partner Jess and I were quite a ways back into the boreal. It had taken the better part of an hour trucking down oil well roads to get to our jumping off point, and then it was still a hike to get to the stream. 

Small waters like this Cypress Hills beauty are a great place to hone your fly-fishing skills
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K.I.S.S and Tell Fly-Fishin

There are many openings and closings of angling seasons these days as fisheries biologists micro-manage our lakes, rivers and streams and try to allocate and sustain an ever-diminishing resource base. So the travelling angler who wants to stay out of trouble with the fish cops is best advised to keep a copy of the provincial regs in his or her truck. And consult them on a regular basis. When it comes to angling laws, complicated is now the name of the game.

Techniques for Tantalizing Grayling
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Techniques for Tantalizing Grayling

For those who' e yet to fish for grayling, the recipe to success is ...

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